
To access your user account settings, simply click the dropdown menu titled with your Username and the person icon in the top right of the site. Here you can select settings from the dropdown.

From within the user settings page, you can manage your platform user details.


Full Name

This is your site username used to for communication between you and our support team. We will refer to this name when building a rapport with you. You can update this using the Personal form within the User Settings page.

Email Address

This is your email address used to uniquely identify you on the platform, used for logging in and associating you with your accounts, copiers etc. You can update this using the Personal form within the User Settings page.

Current Account

This displays the amount of accounts you're permitted on the system. During the beta accounts limits can only be increased and decreased by contacting our support team.


Within the User Settings page you can update your password used to login to the platform. It must be 6 or more characters and we recommend setting a password with a mix of numbers and letters for increased security. You must input your new password twice and they must match. Once you've updated the password, you must press the Change Password button in order for it to update.